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Искали: Java Team Leader Всего 85 вакансий Уточнить параметры
Архитектор Java
Полный рабочий день,свободный график; от 2 лет; высшее; мужской.
Обязанности: Разработка, тестирование, отладка и сопровождение ПО, связан
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2200 у.е.  
Technical Team Lead
Полный рабочий день; от 5 лет; высшее.
Technical Team Lead United Software Corporation (USC) is a global IT services and technologies provider, which builds its competitive advantages on the basis of Ukrainian IT talent
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1 у.е.  
Senior JAVA Developer/ Reuters, New York
Полный рабочий день; от 5 лет; высшее.
Senior JAVA Developer/ Reuters, New York United Software Corporation (USC) is a global IT services and technologies provider, which builds its competitive advantages on the basis o
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1 у.е.  
Java Developer/ Reuters, London
Полный рабочий день; от 3 лет; высшее.
Java Developer/ Reuters, London United Software Corporation (USC) is a global IT services and technologies provider, which builds its competitive advantages on the basis of Ukrainian
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1 у.е.  
JAVA Developer/ Reuters, New York
Полный рабочий день; от 3 лет; высшее.
JAVA Developer/ Reuters, New York United Software Corporation (USC) is a global IT services and technologies provider, which builds its competitive advantages on the basis of Ukraini
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1 у.е.  
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