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Всего 1357 вакансий
Senior Automated Test Engineer (Simatic Step 7)
Полный рабочий день; от 3 лет; высшее.
Senior Automated Test Engineer (Simatic Step 7) Vacancy Code: SATESS 106 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as Senior Automated Test Engineer (Simatic Step 7)
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1 у.е.  
Senior .NET Developer/Architect
Полный рабочий день; от 3 лет; высшее.
Senior .NET Developer/Architect Vacancy Code: SNDA 104 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as Senior .NET Developer/Architect (Code: SNDA104) for full time in
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1 у.е.  
VMWare Administrator
Полный рабочий день; от 3 лет; высшее.
Code: VMWA 200 Infopulse Ukraine welcomes talented professionals to join our new project and to work as VMWare Administrator (Code: VMWA 200) full time in our Kyiv office. Respons
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1 у.е.  
Senior Oracle Administrator
Полный рабочий день; от 5 лет; высшее.
Vacancy Code: SOA 413 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as Senior Oracle Administrator (Code: SOA 413) for full time in Kiev office. Responsibilities for thi
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1 у.е.  
UX and usability expert
Полный рабочий день; от 3 лет; высшее.
Vacancy Code: UXUE 104 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as UX and usability expert (Code: UXUE104) for full time in Kiev office. Responsibilities for this p
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1 у.е.  
Oracle Application Servers Specialist
Полный рабочий день; от 2 лет; высшее.
Vacancy Code: OAS 413 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as Oracle Application Servers (Code: OAS 413) for full time in Kiev office. Responsibilities for this
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Service Delivery Coordinator
Полный рабочий день; высшее.
Code: SDC200 Infopulse Ukraine is seeking full - time Service Delivery Coordinator (Code: SDC200) in Kiev office or on customer side. Responsibilities for this position will include (but are not l
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Senior AIX Administrator
Полный рабочий день; от 4 лет; высшее.
Vacancy Code: SAIX200 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as Senior AIX Administrator (Code: SAIX200) for full time in Kiev office. Responsibilities for this
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1 у.е.  
Senior Unix|Solaris Administrator
Полный рабочий день; от 5 лет; высшее.
Vacancy Code: SUS 200 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as Senior Unix/Solaris Administrator (Code: SUS 200) for full time in Kiev office. Responsibilities
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1 у.е.  
Senior HP-UX Administrator
Полный рабочий день; от 4 лет; высшее.
Vacancy Code: SHP-UX200 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as Senior HP-UX Administrator (Code: SHP-UX200) for full time in Kiev office. Responsibilities fo
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1 у.е.  
Oracle E-Business Specialist
Полный рабочий день; высшее.
Vacancy Code: OEBS 413 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as Oracle E-Business Specialist (Code: OEBS 413) for full time in Kiev office. Responsibilities for this position w
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Linux Administrator
Полный рабочий день; от 3 лет; высшее.
Vacancy Code: LA 200 Infopulse Ukraine is currently seeking professionals to fill some positions of Linux Administrator (Code: LA 200) to work on full time in our Kiev office. Re
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1 у.е.  
Unix/Solaris Administrator
Полный рабочий день; от 2 лет; высшее.
Vacancy Code: USA 200 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as Unix/Solaris Administrator (Code: USA 200) for full time in Kiev office. Responsibilities for thi
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1 у.е.  
AIX Administrator
Полный рабочий день; от 2 лет; высшее.
Vacancy Code: AIX200 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as AIX Administrator (Code: AIX200) for full time in Kiev office. Responsibilities for this position
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1 у.е.  
Software Installation Developer
Полный рабочий день; от 2 лет; высшее.
Vacancy Code: SID 300 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as Software Installation Developer (Code: SID 300) for full time in Kiev office. Successful candidat
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1 у.е.  
Software Installation Developer, Zhytomyr branch
Полный рабочий день; от 2 лет; высшее.
Vacancy Code: SIDZB 300 We are currently seeking talented professionals to work as Software Installation Developer (Code: SIDZB 300) for full time in Zhytomyr office. Successful
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1 у.е.  
Front Office Team Leader (WEB)
Полный рабочий день; от 3 лет; высшее.
Иностранная биллинговая IT – компания, ведущий поставщик программного обеспечения объявляет конкур
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1000 у.е.  
800 у.е.  
Консультант по автоматизации предприятий
Полный рабочий день; высшее.
Требования к кандидату: М/ж 21-35 лет. Коммуникабельность, умение общаться и грамотно излагать мысли, убеждать
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2000 грн  
Руководитель филиала.
Полный рабочий день; от 3 лет; высшее.
Корпорация «Парус» – одна из лидирующих компаний отечественного рынка информационных технологий, о
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4000 грн  
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