От 2 лет; высшее. Добрый день, хочу предложить вам вакансию Java Script Programmer.Успешным кандидатам необходимо будет пройти тест для подтверждени В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день; от 1 года. Kiev office of Ubisoft is looking for Tools Programmer.
What we offer:
- challenging and exciting projects- access to the cutting-edge hardware- experience using hottest both commercial and interna В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день; от 1 года; высшее.
Are you an experienced .NET developer looking for a new challenge? Do you love working with other great people to deliver applications that help businesses run intelligently? If so В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день. ARICENT, the global communication software company steadily broadens its activity and is looking for C++ Senior Software Engineer. Joining our team, you will get an excellent opportunity to work for the internati В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день. ARICENT, the global communication software company steadily broadens its activity and is looking for C++ Software Developer (Mobile Development). Joining our team, you will get an excellent opportunity to work for В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день. COMODO Group Inc.(www.comodo.com, http://www.comodogroup.com/corporate) is a software development company headquartered in the USA, well-known as the World's 2nd largest Certification Authority for ensuring Identit В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день; от 2 лет; высшее. ELEKS Software announces an opening for the position of C++ Developer at Lviv office
Mandatory Requirements:
3-4 years of experience in C++
Strong understanding of C++ В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день; от 2 лет; высшее. ELEKS Software announces an opening for the position of C++ Developer at Ivano-Frankivsk office
Mandatory Requirements:- 4-5 years of experience in C++- Strong understa В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день; от 3 лет; высшее. ELEKS Software is an IT services and products company, headquartered in Lviv, Ukraine. Started in 1991, today it employs over 300 IT professionals and delivers services to organizatio В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день,свободный график; от 5 лет; высшее. ELEKS Software announces an opening for the position of C++ Developer at Lviv office
Mandatory Requirements:
• 4-5 years of experience in C++
• В блокнот
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. В Американскую компанию Xasax Corporation, занимающуюся предоставлением инфраструктуры для торговли на фондовых рынках США, требуются сотрудн В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день; 6-9 лет; высшее. Software Development Engineer (C++ / C#/ Java/ .Net/ X++) - Denmark, near Copenhagen
One of the leading Software Development Companies in Denmark is URGENTLY looking for a Lead Software В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день. Nik Software, Inc. is a privately held company that develops software solutions for the growing digital imaging and photography markets. Established in 1995, Nik Software has become the recognized leader in digital В блокнот
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Свободный график; от 1 года; высшее. QUADROX, an international IT company, is the market leader in standards-based network video recording software for security.
QUADROX Ukrainian Development and Support Teams work with В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день; от 1 года; высшее. Компании-разработчику програмного обеспечения требуется программист С++С# .
Желательные качества и В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день; высшее. We are seeking a full-time PHP programmer to join our growing development team.
The position involves extensive programming in PHP.
- At least 2 years of web oriented programming is required as w В блокнот
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Полный рабочий день,свободный график; высшее. We are seeking a full-time PHP programmer to join our growing development team.
The position involves extensive programming in PHP.
- At least 2 years of web orien В блокнот
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